Monday, October 24, 2011


I think that after creating my own blog I wanted to consider a next step.  What if I created a podcast of my blog?   I went to, “Beginner’s Guide to Podcast Creation”, by Kirk McElhearn.  According to McElhearn, there has been an increase in the proliferation of podcasts listeners.  There are a few steps that one must follow in order to have a successful podcast.  The initial first step is to have a plan.  It serves a purpose to have a script that is written out and practiced because you will minimize errors.  Second, using the correct microphone, which is called having the correct gear.(McElhearn)   An emphasis is made with regard to the quality of the sound.  It is important to make sure to filter out the surrounding sound when you record.  The next step is the software that you will use.  The most popular software program that is used for creating podcasts is called “Audacity”.  Audacity can record, edit, and post-process your audio, it’s multi-platform and it is free.(McElhearn)  When  you use Audacity you can reduce background  noise and static.  The final step would be to publish your podcast.  You need to assign a URL to your podcast so that other people can locate and download your podcast. 
I feel that NETS-T Standard No. 5 is met by producing  a podcast.  It is the natural step to take if you want to reach a larger audience who is interested in learning more with regard to technology in education. 
I also recommend looking at the website that looks at different big cats.  It is a very interesting site.  It gives you so much information about a variety of cats, from tigers, to leopards, to lions, and to lynx.  I definitely feel that as a speech pathologist I can interest the group of student s that I have to practice by inspiring them through an interest in this topic.  Children like to learn about animals.  They would like to know more about the different cats that exists.  By developing a lesson plan that incorporates this website’s information I can achieve so much.  I would captivate and hold my students attention.  I would  engage my students in such a way, that learning would be fun and informative.  NETS-T Standard No.1, where as a teacher I would facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity, is addressed with this website.

My resources are:
Retrieved on October 24, 2011

Friday, October 21, 2011

How Disabled Students Can Thrive in Society

I truly enjoyed reading the blog posted by Curtis, D. titled, “Disabled Bodies, Able Minds:  Giving Voice, Movement and Independence to the Physically Challenged.”  Curtis, D. speaks out in favor of Assistive Technology for disabled students.  Assistive Technology is the means by which disabled students can get a voice through the use of computers or technological devices adapted specifically for an individual.  One such case is the case of Adrian, a young boy who now communicates through a device that can use the movement from his eyebrow to move the technological device specifically made for him.  It allows him to communicate.  It also took three years for them to find an area on his body that had movement.  The technological devices that can help individuals that have cerebral palsy also have been developed.  There is evidence that students can communicate, and that they show an ability to learn.  In other words, the sooner in their life that they begin to use devices that can help in the learning process, the better it is for them. 
One of the obstacles that is faced today is the determination that has to be made regarding what type of device is necessary for the student.  DOIT helps students get the technology that they need.  DOIT stands for Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology. (Curtis, D.)  DOIT is providing the support that disabled students need so that they can be fully functioning in terms of gaining independence.  With regard to school the ultimate goal is that disabled students can have access to resources such as, computer, cell phones, and wheel chairs.  This ability to have a computer, be it speech activated, as in the case of one student who is a college sophomore, allows her to do her homework.  It also allows her to do term papers and use resources like the internet.  The purpose of making the student more independent allows the student to feel that his or her contribution counts.  The ultimate goal of any student is to ultimately be a thriving member of society.  We can expect no less from anyone who has a disability.  The support that should be given to them should be such that they can flourish and also achieve that goal.
Curtis, D.  Disabled Bodies, Able Minds:  Giving Voice, Movement, and Independence to the Physically Challenged.

Retrieved on October 21, 2011

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Digital Storytelling -Can it benefit us?

What is Digital Storytelling?  According to the author of, Capturing Stories Capturing Lives:  An Introduction to Storytelling;   it is the capacity of taking stories, whether real or imagined, and writing about that story. (Jakes, D.)   It is then the process of adding voice, pictures, and sound in order to create a visual story.  There is a significant amount of writing that goes into developing the story, so many, that there are multiple drafts that one goes through in order to have the final version of the story.  The fact that there is this emphasis on writing is something that the author feels contributes to the communication skills that need to be developed in students today. 
There are six steps that correspond to the completion of a digital story.  These include the second step which is the writing of a script.  The third step is the storyboard. The fourth step involves locating the resources. The last two steps are to create and share. (Jakes, D.)  The author feels that when students are working and searching for resources, they are using technology.  Using technology to their benefit they will learn new ways to incorporate what they learn into the digital story.  Working on a digital story is a way for a student to share a personal side of their life with other students, which in turn is a way to share and collaborate with their peers. 
When one looks at the different steps that will go into the preparation of the digital story, one can see that NETS-S Standard number one, where one creates original works as a means of personal or group expression, comes to mind.  Students will be challenged to work on a digital story and to bring their very best effort to the table, if you will.  It nurtures the spirit of the student as an integral part of a larger dynamic, one in which a students work will be seen by others, thereby making it important that students draw upon resources and help if necessary, so that the end product is exemplary.
I believe that in the future it will be necessary to incorporate into the curriculum at a high school level even, that it be a requirement that a digital story be prepared by a student.  I can’t see how it will not benefit a student to know the technology in a realistic sense when they may be asked to prepare one for their work.

Jakes, D.  Capturing Stories, Capturing Lives:  Aan Introduction to Digital Storytelling.

Retrieved Oct. 8, 2011

Thursday, October 6, 2011

What is the Semantic Web, or Web 3.0? And Why does author Jason Ohler feel that it is the next and necessary step that technology in education needs to take.

What the Semantic Web can do for us.  The Semantic Web can make it easier for us to look for resources on the web.  What we are facing today is a web that provides too many resources when we are perhaps trying to narrow down our inquiry into an intelligent focus.  According to Ohler, “the goal is to reduce the time that we spend searching and sifting, so that we can spend more time thinking and participating”.  The Semantic Web is also called Web 3.0.  One of the things that Ohler emphasizes is that it is very hard to determine now whether the information that we are getting is in fact a credible source or not.  He feels that Web 3.0 would be relevant towards changing this problem.  A “knowbot”, which is a specialized computer program, would actually be in charge of looking at the specific area that you want researched.  Then it would gather all the relevant data associated with your search. This would make it easier for one to gather information,  because there would be more time to interact with colleagues or fellow students, on projects.
There are basically three phases that would be necessary for Web 3.0 to work.  The first would be to create intelligent tags for the data that are uniform within all areas.  The second one, would be, to group the tags into an ontology (Ohler  15).  The third would be to share ontologies or databases. 
Web 3.0 is not in our distant future, because already it has been used to capture information regarding the U.S. Census.  It would behoove us to implement Web 3.0 so that the process of gathering information could be facilitated.  As educators it would improve our capacity to organize ourselves, because it would allow us to interact on a whole other level;  where communication barriers are pulled down to allow a higher level of learning. 
Ohler, states that possibilities exists that Web 3.0 could be intrusive, due to the fact that there would be access to personal information that would then “skyrocket”.  As with everything that is new and fresh it is necessary to take the appropriate precautions to safeguard the privacy of the individuals that will use Web 3.0. 

Ohler, J. Power and Peril of Web 3.0. It's More Than Just Semantics.  (2010).
Learning and Leading with Technology, 14-17.

Retrieved. October 6, 20ll.