I think that after creating my own blog I wanted to consider a next step. What if I created a podcast of my blog? I went to, “Beginner’s Guide to Podcast Creation”, by Kirk McElhearn. According to McElhearn, there has been an increase in the proliferation of podcasts listeners. There are a few steps that one must follow in order to have a successful podcast. The initial first step is to have a plan. It serves a purpose to have a script that is written out and practiced because you will minimize errors. Second, using the correct microphone, which is called having the correct gear.(McElhearn) An emphasis is made with regard to the quality of the sound. It is important to make sure to filter out the surrounding sound when you record. The next step is the software that you will use. The most popular software program that is used for creating podcasts is called “Audacity”. Audacity can record, edit, and post-process your audio, it’s multi-platform and it is free.(McElhearn) When you use Audacity you can reduce background noise and static. The final step would be to publish your podcast. You need to assign a URL to your podcast so that other people can locate and download your podcast.
I feel that NETS-T Standard No. 5 is met by producing a podcast. It is the natural step to take if you want to reach a larger audience who is interested in learning more with regard to technology in education.
I also recommend looking at the website that looks at different big cats. It is a very interesting site. It gives you so much information about a variety of cats, from tigers, to leopards, to lions, and to lynx. I definitely feel that as a speech pathologist I can interest the group of student s that I have to practice by inspiring them through an interest in this topic. Children like to learn about animals. They would like to know more about the different cats that exists. By developing a lesson plan that incorporates this website’s information I can achieve so much. I would captivate and hold my students attention. I would engage my students in such a way, that learning would be fun and informative. NETS-T Standard No.1, where as a teacher I would facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity, is addressed with this website.
My resources are:
Retrieved on October 24, 2011